
Have Patience

Angele SPA Beauty

  • Product UI Design
  • Design System
case study
About The Project

Angele SPA salon is one of the top 100 salons in the United States. They have created a salon that offers their customers the best quality beauty and skin care services in a very relaxing and modern environment.

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Angele SPA salon needed to showcase its services on the website. Angele SPA salon’s website goals were to show beauty and attractiveness besides feelings of modernity.


Angele SPA Salon has never followed a specific brand identity. To match the website with all the previous physical designs, I needed to design a brand identity for it. The challenge was that I wanted to make the most minor changes to the previous designs, so I needed to evaluate them and determine what they had in common with regard to the website’s goals. Finally, I did it by designing a great brand identity.


After creating the brand identity, according to the customer’s request and the type of customer’s point of view, it was decided to use a ready Template and customized it. For this purpose, some template samples suitable for the client’s work were suggested and the work continued with the customization of the selected template.


The team members and salon personnel are the most important factors in the salon’s credibility. After being introduced on the main page, these members were more fully introduced on a separate page so that customers can safely choose the services of the salon.



Desktop Landing

Mobile Landing